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In 2019 I decided that I wanted to completely create something myself, without briefs to stick to or visions from other people to execute. My first design was inspired by the #metoo movement, and the designs developed from there. 

The garments are characterised by the use of white fabrics, with black elements depicting trauma's in different ways. The designs all have numbers, which leaves the viewer no clues as to what the trauma's might be, resulting in personal interpretations and confrontations when looking at the artworks. 



You play a part. Don't just look at what you see, but ask yourself:

How does it make me feel?

Why do I feel this way?


Should I do something about it?



Fotografie Anne van Zantwijk

MUAH Victoria Osborn

Model Julia Nauta


The collection was exhibited in the summer of 2019 in the art gallery in Alphen aan den Rijn, STA ART. This was covered in multiple articles: - Kostuumontwerpster Chaja (27) uit Alphen verwerkte trauma's in zwart op wit.

Leidsch Dagblad - Trauma als leidend thema voor eerste modecollectie van Alphense ontwerpster

Alphen's Nieuwsblad - Expositie Galerie Alphen Art

Studio Alphen - Camera Bezorgd: Modecollectie van Chaja heeft bijzonder verhaal


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Photography by JBN Fotografie

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